Fighting For Peace is a documentary film focusing on the 1980’s civil war in El Salvador and the impact it had on individual people, many of whom emigrated to the United States in an effort to secure better & safer futures.
Directed by Valeria Herrador, the film is a study in US funded massacres in Latin America as well as a new perspective from which to learn about El Salvador.
To learn more, watch the trailer, and donate please visit:
Fighting for Peace, a documentary film directed by Valeria Herrador, aims to show the power of reconciliation in story telling. Intimate interviews with survivors of the war reveal that El Salvador was a place where many civilians did not associate themselves with either side of the battle. With survivors like Rufina Amaya Marquez (the sole survivor of the Massacre at El Mozote) passing away, Herrador’s is a crucial investigation of what really happened to the relatives of many Salvadorans during the civil war era and what it means today as a new generation emerges in the United States.
Time is running out. To help Herrador complete this film and raise awareness about the history of U.S. funded massacres in Latin America, please contribute to our cause and fight for peace by making a monetary donation. Your contribution will send Valeria Herrador to El Salvador, and allow her to interview survivors of the war that never left the country as well as show the changing political climate of El Salvador 20 years on. Herrador is a Salvadoran-American whose parents are from La Union, El Salvador.
To learn more, watch the trailer, and donate please visit: