My Next Paintings, I want to Go Big - Kinyo

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a 4 foot painting, also the cover of my poetry book 'forest'
I'm going big. I'm about to begin collecting supplies for my next major body of work, really this is my first official "Kinyo" collection. Painting is awesome. It is vulnerability at speed. When I'm standing there, with my assembled materials, I feel nervous.

I wonder what I'm doing, why I think the creations of my hands matter, every decision is a contested with tough doubt. I don't always win, in fact the there is nothing more humbling then those failures of artistic audacity.

I plan to return to wood as my medium of choice. I'm going to do some 2 foot squared pieces and some 4 foot ones, and maybe some 2'x4's.

I've focused my painting on the field of abstraction. I'm excited to leap into the deep end of some large canvases.

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