IZZI Gadgets Takes Your iPhone to the Next Level With Optical Zoom

I'm all about convenience, the more I can do with less the better. The idea of carrying more than one gadget with me at all times is a little too much for my busy modern mind, and if my smartphone can make my life even easier than it already has, why not?

For a long time digital cameras have had nothing to fear from camera phones. The simple fact was that even the best smart phones were going to have a hell of a time adding optical zoom to their list of features. iZZi is battling that in the easiest way possible, making a case that gives you the option of using lenses on your iPhone.

The company, like many upstarts, got it's first round of funding on Kickstarter.com, and now they have 7 different products and are getting rave reviews from top tech magazines. They're pushing their brand and focusing on helping people get used to iPhoneography (photography from iPhone's).

The only drawback is that they have seen fit to plaster their childish and bulky logo on their otherwise sleek products. It's a forgivable sin, but only just barely. The larger holding grip is nice it's also dangerously chubby.

The iZZi Orbit has three different lens settings for iPhone 5s. Users can swap through a 3x zoom, a wide lens and a fish eye lens. They also carry models for the iPhone 4s as well as a few variations that let you decide wich lenses you want.
